Domino Print & Apply AB delivers complete solutions for automated printing and application of labels for industrial applications. They are one of the market leading companies through their wide range of standard units and the ability to deliver customized units.
A structured way of testing
Domino had developed their product over decades, improving it using feedback from customers. They had production testing in place to ensure product quality.
The need for structured testing also during product development arose when Domino decided to perform a major product revision and modernization.
Taking the test lead
En testledare från DVel analyserade deras kravspecifikation och gjorde en plan för vad som skulle testas. Fokus låg på att få så bra testtäckning som möjligt och samtidigt hålla tidsplanen med begränsade resurser. Parallellt med detta utvecklades ett ramverk för automatiserade tester.
Vi satte ihop ett testteam som utvecklade testfall, byggde en testrigg och genomförde tester. För uppnå ett effektivt arbetssätt, togs processer fram parallellt med testutvecklingen. En kombination av automatiserade och manuella tester användes framgångsrikt för att klara projektets tidsplan.
“With the help of Dvel we have built up a test rig for automated test and established a foundation of testing for both automated and manual tests. The test rig was built modular to enable easy transitions for future projects. Working with Dvel was great, they were easy to work with and offered us their expertise in testing and technical solution for our measurement systems in the test rig.”
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Test equipment and functionality
Some highlights of the tests and measurements performed by the automated test system were:
- Visual inspection tests using camera and controlled lightning
- Encoders for speed measurement
- HIL (Hardware-In-the-Loop) test system for functionality and error handling tests
- Various protocol tests
- Long duration tests to ensure performance
- Test sequencing for running tests on two printers in parallel
Automated tests combined with manual tests
A combination of automated and manual tests were used in order to meet project deadlines. Exploratory tests were also a good complement and were performed on the Human Machine Interfaces.
Handover of test system and test processes
A future test lead was employed by Domino during the course of the project. The different aspects of the developed test activities were handed over to the new test lead in order to get a good continuity in the test activities also after project closure.
“Since DVel came in, understanding of testing increased along with product and development quality. DVel has helped by challenging our developers to deliver quality from the start.”

Riki Virc