On 29 September 2021, the Parliament decided to adopt a new whistleblower law. The Act on the Protection of Persons Reporting Malpractice (the “Whistleblower Act”) enters into force on 17 December 2021. The Act means, among other things, that both private and public employers with 50 or more employees are obliged to have internal whistleblower functions. We at DVel are currently not 50 employees, but nevertheless we think that this is an important function, and we want there to be a good way to report malpractice.
All communication with handlers of whistleblowing reports via the link below is held under total anonymity. An email will be sent to you each time a company representative replies to the report. In the email, you will find a link through which you will have the possibility to have a written conversation with the company under total anonymity. When the report is closed the history will be saved with the company for two (2) years and thereafter it will be deleted.