We blogged about the Student LabVIEW Coding Challenge right after christmas. This is a competition for student at Lund University, preceded by a lecture by DVel co-founder at Certified LabVIEW Architect Karin Hellqvist. The Jury consisted of LabVIEW experts from DVel, and the winner could choose between a shot at the Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD) exam or a Lego Mindstorms EV3. Elektrotekniska Föreningen (electrotechnical society) at the Faculty of Engineering kindly provided the participating students with possibilities for testing the code against HW.
Although there were not as many submissions as we had hoped for, the jury had a tough work. The participants had solved the task in different ways, obviously the lecture Karin gave about the design pattern templates that ships with LabVIEW came in handy. The jury recognized two solutions as winning candidates. One solution used an event based approach, giving very neat GUI handling and good extendability, the other went with a queued producer-consumer design, a suitable pattern for the problem at hand providing for robustness should the system be extended. The jury was very impressed with the solutions provided which showed that the students really had grasped the functionalities of the patterns they used.
In the end it came down to that thing that is ever so important when implementing systems; fulfilling the requirements and testing. One of the submissions simply worked better in accordance with the requirements.
The winner of the 2013 Student LabVIEW Challenge is: Gustav Enander!
“Gustav has provided a solution that fulfils the requirements, is robust and extendable. He has made good use of existing templates and shows that he understands the software mechanisms he is using.”
Gustav is studying Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. He is currently working on his final thesis at Axis Communications. When asked why he joined the challenge he said that he likes problem solving and to be creative. Gustav chose the Lego Mindstorms EV3 as his price.
Since there were two very good submissions the jury decided to give a runner up price as well.
Runner up of the 2013 Student LabVIEW Challenge is: Christoffer Wedding!
“Christoffer provided an event-based solution which is easily extendable. Ha has shown that he grasps advanced software mechanisms and used them adequately”.
Christoffer is studying Applied Physics at the Faculty of Engineering at Lund University. He is currently on his fourth year. When asked why he joined the challenge he said that he was attending the computerized measurement systems course and was inspired by Karins lecture. Christoffer was given the chance to get his LabVIEW proficiency documented by attending a Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer exam.
Congratulations to both winners, and we hope to see you in the test and measurement community again!
Riki Virc