LabVIEW lecture at LTH
News - Other
21 December, 2017

Once a year one of DVel’s consultants gives a lecture on LabVIEW programming at the course in computer based measurement systems at LTH, Lunds Faculty of Engineering. It has become an annual tradition. This year Rikard Wellander from DVel explained some of the design patterns most frequently used  in LabVIEW. Main focus was put on the state machine and producer consumer design patterns. Rikard did some real life programming to explain how the patterns work and also showed how he uses them in a real world project he is currently working on.

Towards the end of the lecture the were time for questions and answers. A discussion that ended up in how object oriented programming can be introduced in LabVIEW and the pros and cons by doing so.

​By Rikard Wellander

Riki Virc